Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My new brew...

I've heard of kombucha for a while now but really didn't want to try to make my own. (I'm a little afraid of the whole fermenting process as I'm so scared of food poisoning) So for now I'll leave it to the experts.
My sister has also been giving me some of her views on it & has been drinking it for a while. So I decided to give it a try.
This was the only flavor at the store I went to. When I first opened up the bottle it smelled a bit like apple cider vinegar...not too appealing. The first few sips weren't impressive either. It tastes a bit like beer, which I'm not a fan.
However after a little while it started to taste rather good. I guess my "buds" just had to adjust. I bought a couple of bottles & have been drinking a little here and there during the day. I actually like it now!
I decided to try it for many reasons but mostly because I've just had the blah's lately. Is it helping my moods or curbing my appetite, I really think might be helping.
It does contain sugar but it's so minimal compaired to a soft drink or juice.
The co-op I'm in sell this in a different brand. I think it's worth buying a case.
Has anyone tried it? What flavors do you like?

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