Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Buying in Bulk

For a few months now I've been a happy member of a local food co-op. Now I get to order things in bulk. While there is an initial bigger check to write, I've found I'm saving some money in the long run. Most of the products are organic. So I thought I'd share what I've gotten so far:

soft white wheat berries, 25# bags

hard white wheat berries, 25# bags

pinto beans, 25# bags

ground cinnamon, 1#

basil, 1#

sesame seeds, 1#

onion powder, 1#

frozen rhubarb, 12 packages

I think that's all that I've ordered so far. The catalogs have SO much to chose from. We try to eat as natural & organic as we can, but it does get costly sometimes. I'm in the process of budgeting how I can get some more things. So far I've come up with $100 to be my budget. I spend about that at the grocery/discount stores per week so if I just replenish our milk & a couple of necessities to be bought that week I can buy some things in bulk that month.

I've introduced my sister to this too & that way if we want we can split some things. -like the rhubarb. (you can't find it anywhere around here)

I store my bulk in white 5 gallon buckets I bought new at a paint store. Make sure to get some with a good seal for the lid. Also in case you were wondering about the spices as I was...the onion powder filled 1 quart canning jar. The same for the sesame seeds & cinnamon. The basil fit tightly into 3 quart jars. Guess I'm set on basil for quite some time! :)

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