Well, it's the last week before my children leave on vacation with Grandma. I think we've got everything they need & will start packing the suitcases this week. We pack by usually leaving a suitcase open by the foot of the bed so if there are things they forgot they will need it can go right in. BTW...if you have an Academy Sports nearby they had teen/men's nice levi's shorts on sale for $19.99. (My son loves them) They also had a bunch of nice tennis shoes on sale. (Kids both got a pair) Also water shoes for only $4.99. (They are hard to find elsewhere because some stores have already taken alot of summer things down)
So...I have a couple of big projects lined up for myself. Mainly getting our old schoolroom cleaned up & making it more into a craft room. ~Perhaps I will call it my studio as I've heard people on tv referring to a room or area as their "studio." LOL
Around the homestead, we're hoping for as much rain as possible. We're so anxious for our pond to fill up, but who knows when that will be. We're thinking of having a well dug next year if we need to. My husband has also come up with a really neat idea, all by himself...lol. I really want to share this, but I'll keep it to myself for the time being. When it's in the works, then I'll share...
Today we have one of my niece's birthday parties to attend. For the present we got her a magazine supscription. I think for presents for Christmas this year we may just do that too. I placed our order with Amazon as they sometimes have discounts. We bought the first issue at Wal-mart along with a cd & Abby wrapped it all up in a cute bag. They are serving a taco dinner so no cooking dinner for me tonight!
I do need to make some bread and some type of sweet to go with lunches so I'll need to figure that out.
Well, I'll end now. Going to enjoy my coffee & other people's blogs. ~Take Care~
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