Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday around the homestead

The thunder is rumbling right now & I'm hoping that the rain will reach us today. My pumpkins could use a little shower.

I've got quite a bit done already today. Laundry done, kitchen cleaned, dinner started (crockpot), school room turned craft room cleaned, & cut out some quilt squares. Now here I sit in front of this box with my other box on too. I've got on something about the dust bowl on the history channel. Wonder why when it is that I have time to watch a movie or something, nothing seems to be on.

I only got 6 eggs yesterday from the hens. As I was about to walk out I got a slight fright. Yep, a big old nasty snake! I ran in & got hubby to shoot it. It had obviously already made a meal out of a few eggs. What gets me is I noticed the last 2 days the egg count was low so he was probably already out there. ~shudder~

Even though it's just hubby & I here this week I put a big pork roast in the crockpot today. Seasoned it with a bit of chopped garlic, salt & pepper. We'll eat some tonight with potatoes & corn & then eat on that for the rest of the week. I like to shred some up with some sauted onions & add a little bbq sauce for sandwiches. mmm...

Hope ya'll have a great day!

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