I didn't want to say at the time, but my children were on vacation to Alabama & Virginia with my mother for a couple of weeks. So I was here all alone during the work days. I got so much accomplished though & worked out a few things around the home that I'd been putting off for one reason or another.
In my home binder: a new monthly menu planned, pantry/shopping lists, bills in order, & new daily routines printed out
In my home: kitchen floor down, cubbords wiped down & organized, fridge wiped down & organized, all bookshelves organized, slip covers washed, bathroom cabinets all washed & organized, I also bought a potato/onion bin at a yard sale for $5 and love it...now I just need 2 more!
Homeschool: All books ordered & are now here ready to go, put a couple things on ebay, school supplies bought
I had plenty of extra time on my hands so I was able to accomplish alot. I mostly wanted to get things in order so come school time we can get back to a routine & be able to basically "upkeep" what was done.
Another thing I worked on was scheduling in a baking/cooking day. Now I prepare the majority of our meals anyway, but I am meaning like a day to bake our weekly bread & extras to freeze. I'm really trying to keep eating healthier and part of the drawbacks to all scratch meals is time. I usually have the time, but when it's getting late & we've been out or whatever then it's like what do I do now. So I made up a few things that are in the freezer now & will make at least 1 extra thing on baking day to keep it stocked.
Right now I have 2 meals frozen:
chili & vegetable barley soup
Other I made:
1 gallon bag filled with french toast
1 bag of pancakes
2 loaves strawberry bread
2 single layer zucchini cakes
All made with low or no sugar (honey) and my freshly ground flour so they are more healthy.
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