Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Been a busy couple of days

I've been getting quite a bit done in the past couple of days. Friday we spent the day at the flea market. Saturday I go up early & went to rummage sales with my sister & we got alot done around the homestead. Sunday we drove my mother-in-laws camper down to the lake for her & spent the day there. Then yesterday I went through all of the boxes of pictures & things we still had from the remodel of the kitchen & decluttered alot. I bought a nice tall bookcase at the rummage sale for $15.00. I almost ordered one online for much more & was so excited to find this one for such a good price! It is now sitting in the hallway dusted & organized.
Today I plan on deep cleaning the bathrooms. The children's bath has a mess going on under the sink so I definately need to tackle that.
Temperatures for the next couple of days are in the 100's and that's the actual temps, not the heat index. So I will probably spend most of the day indoors, other than a quick dip in the pool perhaps. I might make a run to the library, but that will be about it. Hopefully I will find a good movie there to watch.
I've got another batch of tomato paste in the crockpot. It should be ready in a couple of hours. This time I added some italian seasonings & a tad of sugar to it so I'll label it "italian tomato paste." So that will make 2 gallon size bags of tomato paste in the freezer. -That should last quite a while.
I hope you all have a great day!

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