Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Getting Ready for 2010-2011

We homeschool our children so this is the time of year that I get everything ready for the coming year. This year we will be using:


The Robinson Curriculum

Saxon Math

Assorted reading books (The majority of these will come from the library)

There are a few books that I'm going to purchase that go along with the RC that I'm going to purchase from Amazon today. -I have a $25 gift certificate so that will pay for about half.

Then that's it other than some paper, pencils, & crayons. I wait to get these when the stores start having sales on school supplies.

Schooling around here has gone from sitting at desks with a board in front just like a classroom to lounging on our beds doing worksheets. I think we've finally found a balance between the two. My children are older now too so they should be able to be responsible for much more without having me run behind them every minute. This is one of the things the RC advocates, a self-teaching program.

If you would like to check it out try here:

I LOVE books...Here are the ones I'm ordering today. Some new & some used.

Books I'm getting from Amazon:

The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia

The Usborne Internet Linked Book of Knowledge

The Usborne Internet Linked Book of World History

4000 Things You Should Know

Rand McNally Schoolhouse Children's World Atlas


  1. Wow! You're so organized already! I've been thinking on some things for next year, but don't have anything definite yet. I always enjoy looking through the catalogs and picking out curriculum.

    Have a blessed day.

  2. Cool,,, I will be ordering Grace's books in the next day or two..
    By the way Thanks for the tomatoes,,, They are wonderful as well as the zucchini. I will steam the rest tomorrow for the weekend. Thanks again!
